Snapple's Marketing - An Unconventional Brand's Claim to Fame
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG148
Case Length : 23 Pages
Period : 1972-2006
Organization : Snapple Beverage Corporation, Quaker Oats, Triarc Group of
Companies, Cadbury Schweppes Plc.
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note : Available
Countries : USA
Industry : FMCG
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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"We don't always do things in an expected way and we
always are looking for distinctive opportunities where our brand can appear.
It's that little bit of element of surprise. You'll see us on pizza boxes. You
might see us in a fortune cookie. Those are just some of the ways that we
connect with our consumers."1
- Sheryl Adkins-Green, former Senior Vice President of
Marketing, Snapple Beverage Group, in July 2003.
"We're not in the soft-drink business; we're in the
fashion business."2
- Michael Weinstein, former CEO of Triarc Beverages
Corporation, in December 1998. Snapple - The Real Fact!
On June 29, 2006, the Snapple Beverage Group (SBG), owned by
Cadbury Schweppes Plc.3 (Cadbury Schweppes), launched
its 'Snapple White Tea'4 with a unique representation
of the product's characteristics.
In an event held at New York City's Bryant Park, the company harnessed several
volunteers to helium balloons and let them rise several feet into the air. The
event was intended to emphasize the attributes of its newly launched white teas,
which were touted as the 'Lightest Teas on Earth'.5
Snapple announced that it would hold similar events in other cities across the
US over the next few months to promote the white teas.
This was just one of Snapple's many unconventional efforts over the years to
promote the brand. Since its launch in 1972, Snapple had captured the interest
of professional marketers with its unconventional approach to promotion.
So much so that it was widely believed that taste was not the only reason for
the popularity of Snapple's range of juices and iced teas - the brand's
innovative promotions and advertisements were believed to be equally
responsible for making it a favorite with the public.
Snapple was
regarded as a 'fun' brand. As of mid-2006, the Snapple range was
available in the US and in about 80 other countries around the world.
Snapple changed hands several times between 1992 and 2000. The Quaker
Oats Company (Quaker)6, which acquired Snapple in 1994, did away with the
off-beat marketing associated with the brand. Consequently, Snapple
sales declined dramatically during the period the brand was with Quaker,
and revived only after the next acquirer, the Triarc Group of Companies
(Triarc)7, restored its 'wacky' image. Even after Snapple was acquired
by Cadbury Schweppes in 2000, it continued to be promoted in an off-beat
manner. |
Snapple's Marketing - An Unconventional Brand's Claim to Fame
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